Don't compromise your art – Improve your business [TED Talk]

Kurt Schröder, a spoken word artist from South Africa, argues that "If the modern day artist wants to make money out of their art, they have to understand that they are primarily an entrepreneur and that their art is a product to be marketed and sold."

Watch the video by clicking on the image above, or here.

Towards the end of the talk, he says:

The arts doesn’t need better artists, it needs better entrepreneurs. If you find that to be a cringeworthy statement, you need to put your ego aside and allow it to be a watershed moment. As an artist, the most important question to ask yourself is about your art: Is it just a hobby that you enjoy in your downtime but are not too invested in? Or is it something you want to invest your entirety into and then expect to pay the bills at the end of the month?

For reflection

How do you feel about this talk? Do you believe he is right?

Leave behind the idea of the ‘starving artist’

Are you an artist who would like to create a reliable career? Join the online course, The Full Time Artist Formula. The course provides you with the seven step formula you need to transition from feeling stuck as an artist to knowing how to have a thriving art career. This course includes what actually works and leaves out the time wasting stuff that you don’t need.


Can Art Be a Career? Unveiling the Pros and Cons of Pursuing Your Passion


The Artist Success Project